1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 | FORM hinzufuegen. |
7 | DATA: h_screenmode(1) TYPE c VALUE 'S'. |
8 | CASE status-action. |
9 | WHEN hinzufuegen. |
10 | nextline = maxlines. |
11 | WHEN aendern. |
12 | REFRESH extract. |
13 | maxlines = 0. |
14 | nextline = <status>-cur_line = 1. |
15 | IF status-type EQ zweistufig. |
16 | firstline = <status>-firstline = nextline. |
17 | ENDIF. |
18 | IF vim_single_entry_function EQ 'INS'. |
19 | h_screenmode = 'C'. |
20 | ENDIF. |
22 | MESSAGE i001(sv). |
23 | EXIT. |
24 | ENDCASE. |
25 | MOVE <initial> TO <table1>. |
26 | IF x_header-clidep NE space. |
27 | MOVE sy-mandt TO <client>. |
28 | ENDIF. |
29 | MOVE <table1> TO <vim_extract_struc>. |
30 | IF x_header-bastab NE space AND x_header-texttbexst NE space. |
31 | MOVE: <text_initial> TO <table1_text>, |
32 | <table1_xtext> TO <vim_xextract_text>. |
33 |
34 | ENDIF. |
35 | status-action = hinzufuegen. |
36 | <status>-selected = neuer_eintrag. |
37 | status-data = auswahldaten. |
38 | title-action = hinzufuegen. |
39 | title-data = auswahldaten. |
40 | neuer = 'J'. |
41 | IF status-type EQ zweistufig. |
42 | PERFORM process_detail_screen USING h_screenmode. |
43 | ELSE. |
44 | IF vim_single_entry_function EQ 'INS'. |
45 | nbr_of_added_dummy_entries = 1. |
46 | ELSEIF looplines EQ 0. |
47 | MOVE 50 TO nbr_of_added_dummy_entries. |
48 | ELSE. |
49 | MOVE looplines TO nbr_of_added_dummy_entries. |
50 | ENDIF. |
51 | MOVE leer TO <xact>. clear <xmark>. |
52 | DO nbr_of_added_dummy_entries TIMES. |
53 | APPEND extract. |
54 | ENDDO. |
55 | IF h_screenmode EQ 'S'. |
56 | SET SCREEN liste. |
58 | ELSE. |
59 | CALL SCREEN liste. |
60 | ENDIF. |
61 | ENDIF. |
62 | ENDFORM. |