*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Include ZSOFTCOPY_HTML_MAIN * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& * *& This file is part of ZSOFTCOPY. * *& * *& ZSOFTCOPY is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * *& it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * *& by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * *& or any later version. * *& * *& ZSOFTCOPY is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * *& but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * *& MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * *& GNU General Public License for more details. * *& * *& You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * *& along with ZDOWNLOAD. If not, see . * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& * *& Author: Ruediger von Creytz ruediger.creytz@globalbit.net * *& Copyright: globalBIT, LLC http://www.globalbit.net * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_main_header *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_main_header USING value(i_title) value(i_name_field) value(i_name_value) value(i_name_active) value(i_descr_field) value(i_descr_value) value(i_onresize) it_tabstrip TYPE it_tabstrip it_link TYPE it_link CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: lt_tabstrip TYPE it_tabstrip, ls_html TYPE string, l_class TYPE string, l_laiso TYPE laiso, l_sptxt TYPE sptxt, l_title TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE st_link, TYPE st_tabstrip. l_title = i_title. PERFORM replace_single USING '#NAME_VALUE#' i_name_value CHANGING l_title. PERFORM get_spras USING sy-langu l_laiso l_sptxt. PERFORM get_tabstrip_defined USING it_tabstrip CHANGING lt_tabstrip. *** CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' l_title '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_meta CHANGING ct_html. *javascript PERFORM html_main_js USING l_title i_onresize lt_tabstrip CHANGING ct_html. *style PERFORM html_main_style CHANGING ct_html. * CONCATENATE '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. * CONCATENATE '' TO ct_html. * CONCATENATE '
' '

' '' '' '' '

' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. * IF ( NOT i_name_field IS INITIAL AND NOT i_name_value IS INITIAL ) OR ( NOT i_descr_field IS INITIAL AND NOT i_descr_value IS INITIAL ). APPEND '' TO ct_html. IF NOT i_name_field IS INITIAL AND NOT i_name_value IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. LOOP AT it_link ASSIGNING . CONCATENATE ls_html '' '' INTO ls_html. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE ls_html '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. IF NOT i_descr_field IS INITIAL AND NOT i_descr_value IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. LOOP AT it_link ASSIGNING . CONCATENATE ls_html '' INTO ls_html. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE ls_html '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. APPEND '
' i_name_field '' i_name_value '' i_name_active '' '     ' ' ' '' -descript '' '
' i_descr_field '' i_descr_value '  
' TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. IF NOT lt_tabstrip IS INITIAL. READ TABLE lt_tabstrip TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY firstrow = abap_true hidden = abap_false parent_id = space. IF sy-subrc = 0. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. APPEND '' TO ct_html. APPEND '' '' '
' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. LOOP AT lt_tabstrip ASSIGNING WHERE hidden = abap_false AND firstrow = abap_true AND parent_id IS INITIAL. IF -disabled = abap_true. l_class = 'contentTabDisabled'. ELSEIF -active = abap_true. l_class = 'contentTabOn'. ELSE. l_class = 'contentTabOff'. ENDIF. IF -disabled = abap_false. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ELSE. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE '' '
' -text '' -text '
' '
' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. LOOP AT lt_tabstrip ASSIGNING WHERE hidden = abap_false AND firstrow = abap_false AND parent_id IS INITIAL. IF -disabled = abap_true. l_class = 'contentTabDisabled'. ELSEIF -active = abap_true. l_class = 'contentTabOn'. ELSE. l_class = 'contentTabOff'. ENDIF. IF -disabled = abap_false. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ELSE. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE '' '
' -text '' -text '
' '
' TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_main_header *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_main_js *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_main_js USING value(i_title) value(i_onresize) it_tabstrip TYPE it_tabstrip CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE st_tabstrip. CONCATENATE '' TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_main_js *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_main_footer *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_main_footer CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. CONCATENATE '
' '' TO ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "mainAddHTMLFooter *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_main_iFrameHeader *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_main_iframeheader USING value(i_title) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_laiso TYPE laiso, l_sptxt TYPE sptxt. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE st_tabstrip. PERFORM get_spras USING sy-langu l_laiso l_sptxt. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' i_title '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_meta CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_main_style CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_main_iFrameHeader *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_main_iFrameFooter *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_main_iframefooter CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. CONCATENATE '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_main_iFrameFooter *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_main_popupHeader *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_main_popupheader USING value(i_title) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_laiso TYPE laiso, l_sptxt TYPE sptxt. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE st_tabstrip. PERFORM get_spras USING sy-langu l_laiso l_sptxt. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' i_title '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_meta CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_main_style CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_main_popupHeader *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_main_popupFooter *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_main_popupfooter CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. CONCATENATE '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_main_popupFooter *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_main_style *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_main_style CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. APPEND '' TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "addHTMLStyle